Happy faces by MUTESI PATIENCE

Happy faces color the world of hearts with a reason to smile
A smile is a sign of strength, the power to shed off sorrow with a hope that greater fields are blooming all through the night of circumstance
Even while it hurts, I smile
Behind the screened smile still lies the teardrop of pain
It’s still me and my smile, smiling at one who stayed when they all left
His joy reckoned strength in my tired body
I smiled and hoped by the lifting of a grace so comforting as the hymns of canterbury
My peace flows from the happiness within,
Such a happiness drawn from the banks of grace
So, I smile like one whose Christ is the hope of glory
Though a few tears may fall, I smile through the stabs of pain
with such expectancy that night shall come to pass
You see,
Happy faces color the world of hearts with a reason to smile
And this my heart is red,
Colored after the smile of redemption at Calvary
I found love, I am with God.

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